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25 August, 2024

Mambrui Sand Dunes - Excursion

  • George Ngala

Before you think that the cover photos was taken in Lateste-de-Buch in Arcachon bay in France or Namib in Walvis bay or Dubai? I need to tell you that it was actually taken at malindi in will take you thirty minutes drive from malindi town... Sand dunes are landforms made of sand that are shaped into hills, ridges, or mounds by wind or water over many years. They are often found along beaches or in deserts, and form when wind blows sand into a sheltered area behind an obstacle. As more grains of sand accumulate, the dunes grow and take on different shapes depending on the type of sand, wind direction, and environment. Dunes can have a windward side and a slipface, and usually form in bands that get taller and more chaotic the further away they are from the beach.